Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The First Day of School

So this is the first year I will have all three kids in school and needless to say........I am excited.  Monday morning was like Christmas, Navie came in at 3:30am and said, "mom we have to get ready for school remember?"  I finally convinced her to go back to bed for a couple more hours, then she came back in at 4:50am, 5:30 and finally at 6:00am I just said ok and got out of bed.  Bo's Preschool doesn't start until Tuesday of next week so he was not to happy with the whole situation.  We have been hangin out just the two of us for a couple days now and he is a funny boy when he is all by himself.  He asks the wierdest questions like, "mom, am I a real boy?"  "Yes Bo you are a real boy."  "But mom, am a special boy?"  "Oh yes you are a very special boy."  "Oh.......(long pause).........who does this special boy belong to?" "You belong to me."  ...............(long pause) "I dont think thats right mom."  I just cracked up.....Anyway, Navie and Aidan love to go to school............we'll see how long that lasts :)

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