Monday, October 19, 2009

The Big 3-0

Well the day has come. The day I have been dreading for about 3 years now. I am officially now 30 years old. All in all it was a fun day. Navie woke up extra early, so she could make me breakfast in bed before she had to get ready for school (which is amazing, because normally I have to BEAT her out of bed in the morning). She quietly got out of bed, woke daddy, and they made me scrambled eggs and toast and brought it up to me. It was AWESOME!!

My mom treated me to lunch at the Cheesecake Factory. YUMmmmm!!

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When I got home Desiree was at my house delivering a big balloon bouquet and cookies, isn't that so sweet. She never ever forgets my birthday.....EVER.

Brian picked the kids up from school and took them to the mall to pick out a present for me. While I had a nice nap on the couch :)

Then they made me a Birthday cake and sang me Happy Birthday.

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I also had a ton of phone calls and text messages and emails and facebook messages wishing me Happy Happy Birthday. Thanks everyone for making my 30th so so special.